Schliephacke, Marthe
28 October 2016
Prof. Peter Eckart
Diplom Theorie
Prof. Dr. Martin Gessmann
Nowadays the boundaries of living, working and community are becoming increasingly blurred. With the focus ‘How do you live today, how do you live tomorrow?’ and the basic notion of creating a new awareness of one’s own space, I conducted an interview series. From this it emerged that above all the desire for change is at the forefront. With its variability, micado makes it possible to change the living space in a variety of ways and adapt it to changing situations.
Following the principle of the form-fit connection, the struts are assembled in minutes with the aid of a screwdriver. The shelves are laid on these so that the elements can be combined with one another as desired. The daybed with its mattress system offers the options to function as sleeping, sitting and communicative meeting place.
Micado adapts itself through the many possibilities of combination in all room situations, whether in a small or large space, for one room or more.